Hi Les, as I suffer from mild tinnitus myself, I would be very interested to learn how to treat it using InterX . You could either post details on this site, or contact me at paulcarter@tiscali.co.uk. Best Wishes....Paul
I am pleased to hear that you have good success. Unfortunately, if it works on one patient it won’t always work on someone else. The reason is, there are many different causes for tinnitus which leads to different treatment outcomes.
E.g. if you were sitting all night by a speaker at a rock concert, you might end up having temporary tinnitus, which goes away in a few days, even without treatment. Other frequent causes of tinnitus can come from the ear, auditory nerve, acoustic neuroma, ear infections and inflammation, the temporomandibular joint (TMJ), otosclerosis, side-effects of medicines, high doses of medicines such as aspirin, quinine, some antibiotics, diuretics and chemotherapy drugs, head injury or whiplash. Having anaemia or problems with your Eustacian tube can also cause abnormal sounds. However, often disregarded, the aging process in the neck with degenerative cervical spondylosis, osteophytic growths may compress the vertebral arteries, resulting in tinnitus.
Based on just these listed causes, the treatment approach would vary when using the InterX. If you deal with inflammation in the Eustacian tube, there is not much use treating the outer ear, you should concentrate on treating the sinuses and the mastoid process. Again, when you deal with the neck degeneration or whiplash injury, you have to concentrate on treating the neck. If you suspect blood deficiency, just refer to the patient’s doctor for a check up.
Standard treatment zones for tinnitus are: around the mastoid process, around the ear, HS2 (TW17), 6 trigeminal points, TMJ and Cervical zone.
The tinnitus condition I have treated is stress related. The noise she suffferes from is not good and she plays music at night for a distraction. Seen specialist.
Using readings I dose the high points just above the top of the ear.
We found that treatments became progressively more effective. The effects will last a maximum of 5 days with one treatment per week. When two treatments were given in a week rhen the effects lasted 7 - 8 days.
1. “Six Points” in accordance with the general rules, interchanging with “Neck and Collar” zone.
2. Frontal view of the auditory duct, which is between the lower jaw angle and the mastoid 3. TW3, TW17, GB43, LV2 to dose 4. 3 pathways 30 - 120 and sometimes 90 - 3604. Little wings
I have treated Tinnitus but find it can exaggerate it. I use a technique called EFT (tapping) with the Interex treament especially on the neck and that seems to fix it!
I understand you know how to treat tinnitus using electric stimulation... specifically the interx device. I am extremely poor and without medical insurance. I am in the state of Maine (US) and the closest physical therapist (I have found so far) who uses the Interx device is in New York (Clinton, NY)... but even if I were to find one in Maine, he or she would not treat me because I have no way of paying for the service. The state of Maine helps the poor get medical treatment, but the physical therapist I found that would treat me for free only uses TENS and as far as I know they haven't treated anyone's tinnitus with TENS either.
I have tinnitus since December 2017 and it is definitely destroying me. I am not suicidal... I truly love life, but tinnitus has been pure torture... pure hell... particularly in how it has affected my sleep. I know it is still early for me, and that it can go away on its own (but I doubt it). I also know that I have to be grateful that tinnitus is not a death sentence, as other conditions are... and I am indeed grateful (I had a family member that died of cancer so I understand firsthand).
I have researched as much as I could since December and I believe that electric stimulation is part of the key to manage tinnitus today and it seems likely that electrical stimulation will someday also be part of the final solution to the tinnitus riddle. I also know that when it comes to tinnitus, it is dangerous to mess with electrical stimulation if you do not know what to avoid. It seems that if done wrong, the volume of the tinnitus could be permanently raised... and that is a huge huge risk. Apparently there is also an actual neurological deadline (according to some newer studies) to start to treat tinnitus before the plastic changes induced by tinnitus become permanent and irreversible. In my case, I have had daily headaches since my tinnitus started.
I write you because I read something you posted at:
I will appreciate any guidance you can provide me regarding electrical stimulation... even if it is just with the interx device. I will particularly appreciate any guidance regarding what to avoid or be extremely careful when using the device. If you have any knowledge regarding TENS and something I should be very watchful or careful, please let me know... Even if I were to find an Interx therapist someday, I will want to make sure that said person will have as much proper guidance as possible when it comes to treating my tinnitus.
JMCA, please contact me on info@interxclinic.com I will need more info on your condition, then I would be able estimate if the InterX would be helpful or not
Oh my god! This is shocking and I am so glad I came across this post. I was looking for a good intensive case management online for my ears only. I also think I have a sinus problem because my head blocks whenever I look down. I just hope there is no such problem with me.
you need to find a good TCM practitioner who also uses the InterX device, combination of both so far produced a good result for me when i deal with the patients like yourself. it helps to clear phlegm out of the sinuses and consequently improve hearing, although takes few months to rectify. Plus, complete change in diet to exclude phlegm forming foods like dairy and sugar.