Hi everyone! I think I have gallstones, I have had a few bouts of pain over my gallbladder and into my right scapula and chest/breast. I am having an ultra sound in a couple of weeks to investigate it .If I have got gallstones can I treat myself with the interx 1000? if so what setting should I use please? thanks for help!
You can use the InterX to treat pain in such instance, but you need to check with your doctor (which you have already done) the approach is the same as usual:
You need to carefully scan the area, as your pain is acute, use acute setting (it will be between 180PPS to 480PPS on the professional device and Preset 4 or 5 on your personal device). Once you identified the Active Site, where the reading is the highest and where you feel the InterX sticks the most and/or where you feel tingling the most.
Once you have identified the area, you need to target it by keeping the device stationary for one minute or treat to power stim. The only thing I would do different, I would not use four-directional sliding technique. Instead I would put the device to the corresponding segment on the spine using the felxible array. In this case you will be gently relaxing the spasmed gall bludder and redusing pain. Make sure you contact your doctor if the pain persists.
Great thanks Zulia! My ultra sound test shows no gallstones and my liver is ok. so I don't know the reason for the pain, we have to check further now. Best wishes Denise