Hello everyone. I'm new to the forum and relatively new to Interx. I have done quite a few case studies which have bern extremely successful. I have a lady with Plantar Fasciitis and wondered if anyone has experience with this.
Plantar Fasciitis (PF) is one of the rare condition that I must say the InterX always work very successfully. Even in super tough cases it does work wonders. If PF is a relatively recent problem, the InterX should eradicate it in one – two session(s). in this case you will need to use the preset 480PPs or 360PPS and 90 – 360PPS. Use our usual protocol, scan over the whole sole of the foot, finding Active Sites, then work on each found sites. At the end of the session, get your soft tissue electrode and give a good work out to release the planta itself. then work on ALL adjacent muscle groups, all the way up to the knee. Repeat the same on the opposite leg, but only ½ time. Complete your treatment by putting the flexible array to the Sacrum area of the back just for 10 minutes, Cycle 1.
If you deal with more complex chronic problem, you must focus on scanning and treating lower back using low frequency presets and only then treat locally. Typically you want to use 240PPS and 30 – 120 PPs. Also, typically you find pain over the edge of the hill, so you must scan the edges too. Ask your patient, when he/she feels more pain, if the answer is, after a prolong standing/sitting, it means there is a compression on a sciatic nerve and pain is in fact, referred. Often in non-resolved plantar fasciitis pain is referred by nature and neuropathic. That is why limited physio treatment on the site of pain does not cure it.
Another tip is to use a soft tissue electrode and do soft-tissue release starting from the area with highest reading, then work all the way up towards the spine. Typically it will be lateral or medial aspect of the leg, following the distribution of the dermatomes L4/L5, S1, S2. The InterX will guide you with the reading of where to work exactly every time you treat a patient.
In the patient management, you should advise your patient to ‘pace yourself’ or load gently and gradually. Often they get over excited by not feeling pain and subsequently ruin the result by overdoing.. Good stretching exercises with deep breathing are helpful. Target the lower lumbar/sacral area and both legs.
Let us know about your outcome and any questions you might have.
First session went well. Patient was very happy when she left, told her not to over do it and start running just yet. Advised a soak in the bath and an early night lol, patients love being instructed to do that
Got another lady booked in next week with the same. This is the 4th lady now, it seems to be so common but such a horrid condition.
Lady with PF still has it after 7 treatments (a break After 6) I've concentrated on her lower back as this is causing her issues, soft tissue on hamstrings and calf muscles as they extremely tight. I've got her flex and straighten her foot whilst I treat ir and I've InterXed the accupuncture points. She's taking turmeric now too. This is the toughest case I've had do far. This will not beat me!
tight hamstrings and calfs indicate that her Sciatic nerve S2 particularly is irritated, most likely is compressed by somewhere in the sacrum. Often the cause is Sacroilliitis or tight piriformis syndrome. In such case her plantar fasciitis is a secondary to her lower back issues. that is why it take so much longer. after the break focus on her lower back scanning all area from L1 to S3 including all buttocks and follow the dermatome S2, I am sure you will find the Active Sites there. you will get the result in the end!
Great news! We have improvement on the lower back and her foot. Her pain was in her coccyx so concentrated around those areas and soft tissue on buttocks and dermatomes.
We are now on treatment 10 and although we have improvement, she is still complaining that it's bad at the end of the day. Today I treated her at 7pm after a bery busy day as we knew she would be sore at that time. Her back pain is in her bottom of sacrum/coccyx and there are high readings there so I treat that, her buttocks, backs of her legs all the way down to her feet (following dermatomes as above). I interx her feet and get her to flex and point her feet as I do this and I use the acupressure points in the manual. She is taking turmeric too.
She asked me tonight "when do we decide it's not working?" is there anything else I can do?
I have been working with a guy who had PF and has a bone spur in the heel! Is there anything in addition to the above I need to do? I am using the interx sports machine with pre settings 3 and 4 as he has had it for over a year! Any advice welcome, he has lymph node damage on the same leg just above the ankle too.